With the Miralux Green solar substructure, photovoltaic elements can be combined with an extensive green roof.  Photo: Richard Brink GmbH & Co. KG

Solar elements combine with green roof

Photovoltaic substructures by Richard Brink: designed to be combined with green roofs

Schloss Holte-Stukenbrock, 03/07/2024:
With its Miralux solar substructures, Richard Brink GmbH & Co. KG offers its customers flexible and easy-to-handle mounting systems for flat roofs. To enable developers to reap the full potential of their roof areas, the metal products manufacturer has added variants that can be combined with green roofs to its product range – both for newbuilds and also existing green spaces.

The combination of green roof and photovoltaics offers a perfect symbiosis of a building’s ecological and energy-related aspects: a green roof improves the microclimate, binds CO₂, promotes biodiversity and acts as natural insulation. A photovoltaic system facilitates the environmentally friendly generation of clean energy and reduces the need for conventional energy generation. Developers often face the dilemma of having to choose between the two systems, which motivated Richard Brink to offer the two variants of its Miralux solar substructures.

Green roof and ballast in one

The Miralux Green variant is the response to the challenge of combining the benefits of solar elements and an extensive green roof. The photovoltaic substructure can be used for both east-west and south-facing set-ups and is directly incorporated into the extensive roof planting. The sedum mat and the granulate layer act both as ballast, which is applied to the whole of the substructure thanks to a glass fibre mesh and support plates for the roof cladding.

Installation takes just a few steps: a drain mat featuring filter and protective fleece is laid over the root barrier foil. The substructure’s support plates are then put into position and covered with a glass fibre mesh. Next, the photovoltaic substructure is assembled on top of the support plate. Once the entire system has been built and put into position, the granulate and plant cover can be added. The glass fibre mesh, which is completely weighted down by the extensive roof planting and granulate, firmly holds the structure to the substrate like an invisible floor anchor. To finish, the solar panels can then be secured to the substructure and wired together.

Mounting system for retrofitting solar modules

Richard Brink’s range additionally includes a special green-roof mounting system for its Miralux Flex solar substructures. This enables not only a new planting of extensive green roofs in combination with photovoltaic substructures, but also a retrospective integration of solar energy systems into existing extensive green roofs. The fixed height of 60cm leaves plenty of room between the sedum and the modules to guarantee healthy growth of the greenery. Two variants of screwable polymer concrete blocks weighing 16kg or 34kg are available as ballast. These are placed directly on the roof cladding above a structural protection element.

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