Custom production is our norm
Besides offering a broad selection of standard goods, we have always specialised in manufacturing made-to-measure products, which we are able to provide quickly and always at favourable prices. Best of all: you can calculate the cost of most custom products based on our price list for standard products.
How it works:
When producing our drainage and dewatering systems to custom measurements, we always base our prices on the cost of the next largest standard product.
Simply take a look at the standard price list to calculate the cost of a custom solution.
Example 1: custom inlet width
based on our Stabile drainage channel
based on our Stabile drainage channel

Try it out for yourself:
Example 2: custom length
based on our drainage channel Stabile
based on our drainage channel Stabile
Standard length: 1,000mm
Your requested length: 1,800mm
Your price: 2 x 1,000mm

Try it out for yourself:
for the manufacturing industry:
Fair prices
Typically charged at the next largest standard price
Delivery time for standard articles
24 hours
Delivery time for custom products
5 to 15 working days
Always available
Bespoke production year round
Easy installation
Labour and time savings on the building site
Top quality
Made in Germany
for architects and planners:
Rapid availability
Custom-made products with a fast turnaround time
Perfect fit guaranteed
Seamless, precise results for every project
Individual and beautifully crafted
Geared to your design concept
BIM ready
Easy transfer into your planning data

We are happy to help you
in person
Do you have any questions about our products or would you like to place an order over the phone?
We are happy to advise you in person. Over the phone or by email: